IMAGO is a shift in psychotherapy from the individual to the relational paradigm.
The individual is not negated, but placed in their relational context, from which we emerge and on which we are dependent. The survival dance in relationships unconsciously revolves around two existential questions: Am I more afraid of losing you, or am I more afraid of losing myself in the relationship? (Attachment vs. Authenticity) Realised, where the deepest longing of one person meets the greatest resistance of the other, this is exactly where growth is possible.
Early experiences with caregivers influence our choice of partner in adulthood. We unconsciously see ourselves reflected in other people and project parts of ourselves onto others in order to avoid our own painful feelings. The IMAGO Blueprint is about recognising how our partners 'fit' our own unresolved issues. If we can consciously distinguish the reflections and projections, when we make our implicit memories explicit, understand the beliefs we tell ourselves and allow all emotions, if we take full responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions, we can use this process to mature and move into a place to love and to be loved unconditionally. And not to confuse love with emotional hunger.
IMAGO is a structured dialogical process that works on the reciprocal field in relationships _understanding how people connect, how we rupture connection and learning how to reconnect.
Turning conflict into potential of growth
A healthy relationship is not characterised by being conflict-free, but by having tools that enable discussion in a safe, non-reactive, compassionate and mutually supportive way.
What appears as conflict in the relational space are the unfulfilled needs from early childhood that yearn for recognition in a "childlike" way. Partners reflect the parts of ourselves that we struggle with. In our relationships, we (unconsciously) reenact situations from early childhood in the hope that things will go better this time.
In the IMAGO process you develop competence and understanding. Tools for (self-)reflection of patterns and dynamics on a deeper level. Tools to transform conflict into creative tension and curiosity.
Rather than teaching you how to "fight better" or avoid conflict, IMAGO therapy empowers couples to engage with these moments of distress, to use them for personal understanding and mutual growth, and to nurture the relationship as a whole. Moving away from symbiosis towards differentiation. Building a relationship of authentic and competent equals, mature subjects who meet on eye level and co-create through loving examples.
IMAGO encourages appreciative listening and empathetic responding by mirroring, validating and empathising with the partner's feelings and experiences. It promotes emotional safety and connection in the relationship. On the edge of uncomfortable shyness, beyond ideas of right or wrong, you can explore your authentic selves, celebrate diversity and embrace universal equality.
Nonjudgemental and safe space
Together we explore patterns and dynamics. I will guide your dialogues and use therapeutic interventions to empower you to connect on a deeper level, focusing on needs and desires rather than criticism or blame. The core techniques of IMAGO aim to transform negative/stagnant energy based on fear into flowing, positive/open energy so that connection can be tangibly restored.
Transformation and the possibility of letting go
Couples therapy is sometimes seen as a "last attempt" to save a relationship. However, the goal of couples therapy is not necessarily always to stay in the relationship. I support both partners in finding their personal way to take conscious and sustainable choices. In some cases, therapy can lead to a couple making the difficult decision to separate. And that's okay! Together we will then explore how therapy can support you to separate with integrity, communicate appreciatively, set healthy boundaries and, if children are involved, be mature co-parents who lead by example.
Process is everything _content is optional.
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Book individual sessions to reflect on an acute situation or problem, or a set to achieve profound and sustainable change in a holistic process. Or book an exclusive weekend or monthly retreat with me, change location and perspective and dedicate time just for you. Benefit from understanding and regulating yourself, exploring blind spots, unconscious patterns and relationship dynamics to realise your full potential.
I encourage couples at all stages and in all types of relationships to participate in therapy: couples who have just met, long-distance relationships, open relationships and young parents, but also couples who have been together for many years.
250 €
in-person or online
(coaching + 19% VAT)
220 €
preferential price
per 90 min Session
in-person or online
(coaching + 19% VAT)
Social Fairness
and support are particularly important to me. In exceptional cases, I can offer reduced rates. If prices exceed your current financial situation, feel free to contact me and send me your request: